Reference Manual
Document revision: | 3.40 (September 26, 2007, 12:55 GMT) |
Applies to: | MikroTik RouterOS V2.9 |
SpecificationsSpecifications Sheet Hardware reguirements, RouterOS features and capabilities list Device Driver List List of currently supported hardware License Management Licensing information User GuidesBasic Setup Guide This is a good point to start learning RouterOS Installing RouterOS with CD-Install Installing RouterOS with Floppies Installing RouterOS with NetInstall Remote AdministrationConfiguration Management Tools to backup/restore, export/import and reset system configuration FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Server Configuration, package and HotSpot file storage facility MAC Level Access (Telnet and Winbox) Zero-configuration remote access Serial Console and Terminal Initial access option for RouterBoard. Uses serial port for accessing the router Software Package Management Software Version Management Describes software upgrade process SSH (Secure Shell) Server and Client Secure remote administration protocol (recommended) Telnet Server and Client Insecure remote administration protocol (not recommended) Terminal Console General information about console navigation, common commands and functions WinBox Graphical remote administration interface IP Addressing and RoutingIP Addresses and ARP Basic IP level configuration and Address Resolution Protocol modes OSPF Dynamic link state interior routing protocol. Supports Equal Cost Multipath routing RIP Dynamic distance vector interior routing protocol Routes, Equal Cost Multipath Routing, Policy Routing Static routing, policy based routing and load balancing with failover BGP Command Reference BGP Routing Filters InterfacesARLAN 655 Wireless Client Card Legacy wireless interface Bonding Combines multiple Ethernet-like interfaces into one single pipe. Provides higher speeds and availability Bridge CISCO/Aironet 2.4GHz 11Mbps Wireless Card Legacy wireless interface Cyclades PC300 PCI Card V.35/X.21 synchronous card Driver Management Contains information on working with ISA and PCMCIA cards Ethernet Interfaces FarSync X.21 Card V.35/T1/E1/X.21 synchronous card FrameRelay (PVC) Protocol General Interface Settings Common parameters and monitoring commands for all interfaces GPRS PCMCIA Usage notes for CardBUS (PCMCIA) GPRS gards ISDN Interfaces M3P M3P optimizes the data rate usage of links using protocols that have a high overhead per packet transmitted MOXA C101 Synchronous Card V.35 synchronous card MOXA C502 Dual-port Synchronous Card V.35 synchronous card PPP and Asynchronous Interfaces Conventional dial-in and dial-out services RadioLAN 5.8GHz Wireless Interface Legacy wireless interface Sangoma Synchronous Interfaces LMC/SBEI Synchronous Interfaces Wireless Client and Wireless Access Point Manual IEEE 802.11a/b/g cards on Prism and Atheros chipsets Xpeed SDSL Symmetric DSL interface Virtual Private NetworkingEoIP Ethernet-level tunnel. Alows bridging of remote networks and bonding IP Security Standard method for multi-protocol high-grade security communications IPIP Fast and simple IP level tunnel L2TP Common protocol for deploying VPN networks. Uses IPsec for authentication information exchange PPPoE Secure and authenticated way of connecting users to a network PPTP Widely-used protocol for deploying VPN networks VLAN Layer 2 network circuit segregation | Authentication, Authorization, Accounting and MonitoringGraphing Tool to monitor various RouterOS parameters using graphical representation of them HotSpot User AAA AAA services for HotSpot gateway IP Accounting Accounting service for IP protocol on per address tuple basis PPP User AAA L2TP, asyncronous PPP, PPTP, PPPoE and ISDN user AAA RADIUS client General configuration interface for centralised AAA services Router User AAA AAA services for RouterOS users (router's local users) Traffic Flow Powerful accounting and network diagnostics tool SNMP Allows to monitor the router remotely Log Management System event monitoring facility Firewall and Quality of ServiceBandwidth Control Describes the use of queues and queue trees to manage traffic data rate (traffic shaping) and provide Quality of Service for network users Filter Packet filtering facility for protecting and limiting network hosts IP Address Lists Supplementary tool facilitating simplified and transparent configuration of firewall services for different IP address sets Mangle Complementary operations with IP packets including MSS and TOS fields change and packet marking for later processing with packet filters, NAT rules, queues and policy routing NAT Network Address Translation maps one set of IP addresses to another set of IP addresses Packet Flow General description of packet processing sequence; connection tracking description Services, Protocols, and Ports Plug-and-Play Network AccessDHCP Client, Server and Relay Dynamic IP address assignment to network clients DNS Client and Cache DNS client facility with caching proxy functionality HotSpot Gateway Instant (Plug-and-Play) network access points HTTP Proxy Simple multiprotocol proxy service IP Pools Shared use of IP address sets for IP address assignment facilities (PPP, DHCP and HotSpot) SOCKS Proxy Server SOCKS v4 universal multiprotocol port server UPnP Transparent instant network discovery and configuration protocol Web Proxy Advanced multiprotocol proxy service with caching functionality System Information and UtilitiesCertificate Management Facility for managing SSL certificates DDNS Update Tool Tool to update Dynamic DNS record for alternating IP address GPS Synchronization Stratum 1 NTP time source and location retrieval from GPS LCD Management Useful information output to text LCD modules MNDP Mikrotik Neighbor Discovery Protocol and Cisco Discovery Protocol service System Clock and NTP System Clock, Network Time Protocol server and client RouterBoard-specific functions RouterOS specific functionality for RouterBOARD computer systems Support Output File Debug information file required for submission with support request System Resource Management Various small utilities under /system menu Diagnostics ToolsBandwidth Test Connection throughput evaluation tool ICMP Bandwidth Estimation Connection throughput approximation tool Packet Sniffer Ethernet traffic inspection tool Ping Network probing tool Torch Realtime traffic flow monitoring tool Traceroute Network path verification utility Scripting Host and Complementary ToolsNetwork Monitor Conditional host availability monitoring Serial Port Monitor Serial port signalling monitor service Scripting Host RouterOS built-in scripting engine and scripting language reference System Scheduler Facility for periodic execution of scripts Traffic Monitor Conditional data rate monitoring IP TelephonyIP Telephony Voice transmission over data connections High AvailabilitySystem Watchdog Resident service for restarting router in case of crash or network failure UPS Monitor Software status tool for UPS power supplies VRRP High availability default path support Application Examples
© Copyright 1999-2007, MikroTik. All rights reserved. Mikrotik, RouterOS and RouterBOARD are trademarks of Mikrotikls SIA. Other trademarks and registred trademarks mentioned herein are properties of their respective owners.
來自:娛樂小巴(Mr.8) http://www.mikrotik.com/docs/ros/2.9/
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